The Master List

Posted by Rachel

Gifts for Kids:

Hat and mittens- I used this hat tutorial and made a mitten pattern by tracing their hands onto a sheet of white paper.
Pj pants- no tutorial for this one, I traced existing pj pants making sure to leave room for a seam allowance
Fleece blankets - easiest gift ever
Child sized bean bag chairs
Chalkboard and chalk- for the chalkboard I'm painiting a piece of plywood with chalboard paint, using moulding to finish the edges and then placing hanging hardware on the back. Chalk tutorial is here
Hooded bath towels
Pillowcase dress- if you go down a post you can see one of these thatI already completed for Sam.
Car play mat- there are tutorials for this all over Google but I haven't found one I really liked yet. I'm planning on making this one up as i go, if it works I'll post a tutorial for you.
Rag doll
Easy Bake oven mixes- Amanda got an Easy Bake last year but she quickly ran out of mixes and the price for replacements is outrageous. Right before Christmas I'm going to make up some homemade mixes from here. I bought small cellophane bags and gift tags to package them up nicely.
Crayons and colouring books
I Spy pillows
Bath crayons
Puppets- I'm using this basic Grover puppet tutorial for the basic form
Playdough sets

Gifts for Women:
Scrabble tile pendant
Brush roll
Sweater purse- I love these so much I already made one for myself
Makeup bag

Gifts for Men or Women
Adult bean bag chair
IPad case

This isn't the complete list, I still have some holes in my list that need to be filled in. As I come across new things I plan on making I'll update the list to add links.

Places I go for inspiration: